Whatcha lookin at Grandma - I'm still looking exactly the same as 5 minutes ago!
To mark this occasion wee Jordy decided to show us how he could lie on his tummy and hold his head up high. What a boy and I think he is already aspiring to play rugby as he seemed to be trying to do a scrum - kicking his wee arms and legs and he actually managed to move himself half way around the mat!
Yesterday Dawn, Leslie, Ida, Shen, Young and Tien visited the new member of the family. Those boys are going to be great playmates for Jody. The are so delightful, very noisy as little boys can be ( well the two youngest - Shen is a very patient quiet older brother ) They all became very engrossed in The Adventures of Massey Fergusson so yeah! it's a hit! We will be catching up with them all again at Jordy's big one month birthday party on Saturday.
I have begun reading Two Lives by Vikram Seth and can tell it will be a goody.
Other than that just cruising in and out of Jordy days. It is like being in a little cacoon here, very peaceful, even when wee man cries ( which isn't very often! )
Welcome to Bloggoland Maree!
It's a wonderful idea to have such a blog esp now with wee Jordy as the main feature.
In the long run, this would be a living chronicle of his growing up from week to week.
He would in time benefit most of all when he read all this in later years.
And yes...he's such a cutie!
I love to sing and croon to him...
as he seems to follow.
Dear Maree - congratulations on your blog! Jordy is very fortunate to have you as his grandma. I like your pictures and comments on the "wee man" - I think he'll grow up to be a big guy.
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