It was so so lovely to spend Jordy time yesterday. The Skype line was really clear so I watched as he trotted round his various wee places at home. I can't believe how fast he moves...Before now I had an idea, through photos, of his walking but to see it on cam was so much fun. He's very very fast, he kinda looked like that little boy in "Where the Wild Things Are" - This little white form would drift in & out & away again. I was too busy watching to grab a shot.
You can see how tall he is now from his the standing pose. He pulls out a book and turns the pages with such concentration - ah, what a boy!
He had a wee Baby Einstein time too cos he's cutting out his mid morning nap now so needs a wee "down" time to make it through to lunch.
So so cute...he watches intently, and then giggles delightfully when the wee character on the DVD pulls all his clothes off the bed. Jordy loves that bit & watches Dad to see if he thinks that bits the best part too. Mummy & Daddy rewind and another smile & then another giggle.
This wee boy is just blossoming.
If I had known the reception was so clear I would have dressed more appropriately for the occasion
Haha...thanks for the advance warning from DT's comment. Next time I skype, I will be dressed to the nines.
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