Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"It's All Right Here"

Well...the beautiful weather continued right through the long weekend allowing the - stay - at homes to enjoy Dunedin at it's finest. Managed to do a huge clean up in the garden and still have lots of time to be out and about enjoying the days.
Traditionally, Easter is about family & I miss my family very very much, especially on the long weekends. It's great that Cousie Celia is another stay-at-home these hols & we could hangout together. Celia also spends a lot of walking time at Ross Creek but usually we go at different times and tracks to each other so it was nice to do the walk together.
And when the sun went down ( about 6:30ish now that Daylight Saving's finished ) there was still my books & movies to keep me entertained:
"The Reader" ...I didn't read any revues but my interpretation is a really thought provoking "coming of age" theme...a young boy's first love doesn't quite change the course of his life but the relationship will have a profound effect on him, haunting him for the rest of his life. Well worth it.
"Prague" - WONDERFUL , the very watchable Mads Mikkelsen & beautiful Prague all in one movie &
"Paris" - the very beautiful Juliette Binoche ( even wearing the most dowdy clothes & hairstyle of any French Woman I have yet seen, she still manages to look amazing ) & Romain Duris (who is all grown up now but still portrays, what I can only describe as a "sohisticated innocence" that he managed in "Spanish Apartment" & "Russian Dolls") both star in a beautiful movie set in the magic that is Paris. All the movies set in Paris are wonderful, but this one will join my Best Movie List. It is about Seizing The Day but I won't say anymore cos You just HAVE to see it. And, I recognised the Paris of my memories - an extra bonus!!! Rave Rave Rave!!!

And when all movied out "Shantaram" has kept me riveted. It's a real dinkam page turner, not the plot, although it does have a "whatever's going to happen next" thriller's the characters that are compelling. All the more so because the story & the people are real. I have had this copy sitting on my shelf for a wee while now, it was given to me by friends who have had to return to England for life saving Cancer treatment that Oliver can't get here, so the book is a special one in a personal regard too. I am so glad I picked it up!
So...that's Easter over for another year...and not ONE Easter Egg eaten, Oh Dear, how SAD is that!
But hey! Only two more days & it's the weekend again!!!!

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