There are too many wonderful magic moments to think about that I can't bring myself to journal. It somehow puts the feelings that I feel in a past tense. Sometimes that helps.
I have put all my photos in an albumn & made a wee diary for Jordy. I know he will treasure these one day.
It is so wonderful that his first years are recorded in so many ways.
Jordy's Gong Gong is giving a Wonderful History of past times; Not only for his many blog followers but more importantly for the family. Jordy's NZ/Irish/Scottish Heritage is not so detailed as his Singapore/Chinese connection but I hope we will have a few stories to tell him.
When I mentioned that I was having difficulty starting up my blog again, Jordy's Gong Gong sent me advice & encouragement: Start with a photo he advised. And so that's what I am doing. Starting with a photo....