The reason for this early year project is this wee man...
Here's wee Jordy sleeping soundly with Sheepie at Dalmeny.
When the family left, after what will always be known as "best Xmas ever" it was just so so empty here.
So...the project began to fill up the lonely days & I'm really pleased with what's been achieved in such a short time.
My Majong friends think it's pretty cool too.
My favourite thing of all is my wee library. Rhys, Nick's friend made a WONDERFUL job of the bookcases and the window space between the kitchen & lounge. He's making a made to measure Sterio/TV unit for me too ( am VERY excited to see how it's going to turn out ) Having Rhys here to help with the building stuff has been Magic...almost like doing DYI with Nick.
That morning it was almost like Xmas - I couldn't sleep for excitement & I was up at 6:30!
I hadn't planned to do kitchen but it just sort of happened. Me & my paintbrush just seem to keep going!
I haven't done behind the fridge yet cos I haven't worked out how to take the microwave down without the risk of breaking it but that can be for another day
There's enough to be going on with anyway.
Red Cupboards are now 1/2 Sisal. ( all day job! ) I haven't included anymore sitting room pix in this blog cos they're all on Picaso.
While this big project has been underway, the weather here has just been amazing...seems a shame that I've been stuck inside so many weekends and evenings but "you can't have your cake..& eat it too"
Mid week I had 5 friends round for dinner ( lamb casserole ) We had a great evening playing bananagram, & Francois, my friend who has returned from Paris bought me this absolutely fabulous poster. It's of the film PARIS, ( one of my fav films of all times ) I have just put it up & am already imagining a repaint job for my bedroom...a colour to go perfectly with poster! Oh dear..sad I know...Only a "Jordy Fix" will take me away from my paintbrush.....
For time out there has been nothing more satisfying than emerging myself into Steig Larson's "Millennium" Trilogy. I'm halfway through book 3 & will have to start thinking about what I'm going to replace reading time with. ( ...I see that Rose Tremain has got a new one out... ) Larson died before his trilogy became world renown best sellers, which seems to make the books all the more special. Just imagine , if say, P D James had only manged to publish 3 books!